M. Kameron Hawkins Candidate Hawkins for Governor of Nevada 2026
Mr. Hawkins the Founder/Chairman & Volunteer of the University of Business Ambassadors – UofBA, Inc. announced his candidacy for governor of Nevada 2026 on February 23rd, 2023.

“My passion for supporting those who assist others has always been the main drive in my life. ” Mr. M. Kameron Hawkins – Republican

UofBA, Inc. nonprofit was designed to support other nonprofits and other businesses with their goals and objectives. The force behind UofBA, Inc. is simple. Raising awareness and funds for Historic Preservation, Economic Development & Tourism, Business Development & Media Services, Wildlife & Land Management… through Education along with Event Planning and ongoing support…
“Service over self has always been a great way to live this adventure we all know as life.” Mr. M. Kameron Hawkins – United States Navy Veteran
You may be a subscriber to any number of the publications and/or have attended some of the annual events Mr. Hawkins has founded over the years…
Family of Publications are the following Statewide: Golfing Around Nevada * Nevada Firearm Magazine * Nevada Outdoors Magazine a few county publications: Douglas County Magazine * Lyon County Magazine as well as a few community publications: Carson City Lifestyle * Incline Village Lifestyle and Virginia City Insider . All of these publications are both online and in print. Online editions are at no cost or fee and the printed editions are retail to cover printing and S/H.

Some events Mr. Hawkins has founded over the years include: Fernley Gun Show * MGO – Monthly Golf Outing and future events are the Las Vegas Golf Classic and Reno Golf Classic to name a few.
Online event marketing portholes Mr. made for all promoters to post unlimited Nevada Events at no cost or fee include: Nevada Events * Nevada Craft Shows * Nevada Firearm Events * Nevada Job Fair Events
Professional Association Mr. designed to bring our business communities together throughout Nevada – Networking Golf Events * Nevada Firearms Club
A few services only for Republicans on his personal not business lifestyle: Leaders and Candidates * Republican Golf Classic for fundraising, mentoring and education.